| 1. | Japanese has borrowed heavily from english . 日语中借用了很多英语。
| 2. | Her familiarity with japanese surprised me . 她对日语的熟谙使我惊奇。
| 3. | The warm japanese current flows past the coast . 日本洋暖流流经海岸。
| 4. | She has a passable knowledge of japanese . 她的日语(知识)还可以。
| 5. | Dry land ( often used in japanese names ) . 旱地(多用于日本人姓名)。
| 6. | Japanese leaders were equally alarmed . 日本首脑人物同样感到震惊。
| 7. | When you speak japanese she cannot understand . 你讲日语她不懂。
| 8. | Japanese cars have flooded the american market . 日本汽车已充斥美国市场。
| 9. | We can't ape the japanese system . 我们不能完全仿效日本的体系。
| 10. | The last japanese thrusts had been hurled back . 日本人最后的突击被打退了。