| 1. | He was badly jarred by the blow . 这个打击使他的神经受到很大的刺激。
| 2. | He gave his back a nasty jar when he fell . 他这一跌,背部震得很厉害。
| 3. | How many jars of peanut butter have been sold ? 已经售出多少罐花生酱?
| 4. | A gruff voice jars on one 's nerves . 粗声粗气的声音刺激人的神经。
| 5. | He jarred his back badly when he fell . 他这一跌,背部震得很重。
| 6. | Epimethens had in his house a jar . 厄庇墨透斯家里放着一个瓮。
| 7. | The next step was the invention of the leyden jar . 下一步,是莱顿瓶的发明。
| 8. | A turtle in a jar is certainly caught within the reach . 瓮中之鳖,手到拿来。
| 9. | Never a needless jar was made . 绝对不带半点不必要的刺激。
| 10. | But then the premier introduced a jarring note . 可是这位总理话锋一转,气氛顿变。