中文翻译与英英解释 | vi. 作短途游览。 jaunting car (爱尔兰的)轻快二轮马车。 n. 短途游览。
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| a journey taken for pleasure; "many summer excursions to the shore"; "it was merely a pleasure trip"; "after cautious sashays into the field" 同义词:excursion, outing, junket, pleasure trip, expedition, sashay,
| make a trip for pleasure 同义词:travel, trip,
例句与用法 | 1. | Who, on a sunday jaunt to the shore or mountains, has not pitied some self-employed drudge ? 哪一个星期天到海滨或山上去游览的人不同情那些辛辛苦苦的个体经营者呢?
| | 2. | Ethereal jaunt . you become ethereal for 1 round / level 以太漫步:你在1轮/等级时间内变为灵体生物。
| | 3. | Jingling on supple rubbers it jaunted from the bridge to ormond quay 马车那柔软的胶皮轱辘从桥上辚辚地驰向奥蒙德码头。
| | 4. | Head out on any of these do - it - yourself jaunts and you ll be amazed by what you see 以下介绍的观光热点,各有姿采,肯定令您乐在其中。
| | 5. | But picking up for a jaunt to another continent isn ' t practical for most of us 不过,选择去往另一个大陆的远行对多数我们来说都是不切实际的。
| | 6. | But look this way , he said , rose of castille . jingle jaunted by the curb and stopped “可是朝这边望望吧, ”他说, “你这朵卡斯蒂利亚的玫瑰67 。 ”
| | 7. | In fact , getting a full set of the colorful cachets alone will make all your jaunts down here more than worthwhile 希望齐集三色纪念印的朋友,不妨考虑一下每日都前来捧场一趟。
| | 8. | They re mad for clothes . and boys the same . the lads spend every penny on themselves , clothes , smoking , drinking in the miners welfare , jaunting off to sheffield two or three times a week 她们对一于衣裳装饰品颠狂的,男孩们也是一样:他们找的钱全都花在他们自己身上:衣服,烟,酒,一星期两三次跑到雪非尔德去胡闹。
| | 9. | And he got them out as quick as he could , jack power and crofton or whatever you call him and him in the middle of them letting on to be all at sea up with them on the bloody jaunting car 他就尽快地催他们出去了杰克鲍尔和克罗夫顿或随便你叫他什么吧,把那家伙夹在中间,假装出一副茫然的样子,挤上了那辆该死的二轮轻便马车。
| | 10. | Mrs durbeyfield s jacket and bonnet were already hanging slily upon a chair by her side , in readiness for this contemplated jaunt , the reason for which the matron deplored more than its necessity 德北菲尔德太太的衣服和帽子挂在她身边的一把椅子上,已经为这趟计划中的外出准备好了,这位家庭主妇感到伤心的理由并不是她必须出这趟门。