| 1. | You have placed his immortal soul in jeopardy . 你已经陷害了他永生的灵魂。
| 2. | Such a step will, of course, place your credit standing in serious jeopardy . 当然,这样一种措施使贵方的信用处于严重的危机之中。
| 3. | It is precisely at this juncture that the boss finds himself in double jeopardy . 恰恰在这个关键时刻,上司发现自己处于进退两难的境地。
| 4. | If we collapsed in vietnam, the patient design of our foreign policy would be in jeopardy . 如果我们在越南垮台,我们外交政策中耐心企求的意图将陷于危殆。
| 5. | The ravages of conquest and the advent of a barbaric age placed all earning in real jeopardy . 战乱的劫掠,野蛮的时代的到来,给学术带来了一场真正的灾难。
| 6. | His quick and certain eye told him, at a glance, the imminent jeopardy in which his life was placed . 猛然间,他准确无误地看到一个危险的场面危及他的生命。
| 7. | The syrian offensive would have to be slowed and the sinai front would be in severe jeopardy . 叙利亚一线的攻势就势必要放慢,而西奈前线的处境就会非常危险。
| 8. | If we were run out of vietnam under these conditions, our entire foreign policy would be in jeopardy . 如果我们在这样的情况下被赶出越南,我们的整个外交政策将处于危险的境地。
| 9. | Almost certainly, he thought, word had reached the neubergers that his and ruth's marriage was in jeopardy . 他想,十有八九,他和露丝的婚姻可能破裂的消息,一定已经传到了纽伯格家。
| 10. | Now, i longed to see the inside of a ship more than words can tell, but i was not going to put myself in jeopardy . 说实话,我非常想见识一下船只的内部,我这种欲望,简直不是言语说得出来的,不过我可不打算去冒险。