中文翻译与英英解释 | n. (pl. jeux ) 〔法语〕 1.游戏,娱乐。 2.【音乐】演奏。 短语和例子 jeu de mots 双关话,俏皮话。 jeu d'esprit 机智的话,妙语。
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Jeu is a 2006 animated short by Georges Schwizgebel. Described as a film about the frenetic pace of modern life, Jeu is set to scherzo of Prokofiev's Concerto for Piano No. |
例句与用法 | 1. | Perhaps you saw me at le grand jeu 也许你是在“大剧院”看到的
| | 2. | I take it le grand jeu is a cabaret “大剧院”是一个歌舞厅?
| | 3. | The game took on the name jeu de paume , which means " game of the hand . 这种和尚所玩的游戏在那时被叫做意思是“用手玩的游戏” 。
| | 4. | Tzong - shyng leu , pong - jeu lu , and jeng - ren chang , " application of flexible micro balloon actuators for forebody aerodynamic control , " international symposium on experimental mechanics , december 2002 吕宗行,陆鹏举,张政仁, "可桡性微泡致动器在前弹体气动力控制之应用, "中国航空航太学会,高雄, 2002
| | 5. | Though they are more difficult to find , there are other documents that do contain post - resurrection teachings including : the book of the resurrection , the gospel of mary , gospel of thomas , dialogue of the savior , the gospel of james , the books of jeu , the letter of peter to philip and the book of pistis sophia faith - wisdom 虽然这些教理很难寻获,下列文献中确实有它们的记载:复活书玛利亚福音书汤马士福音书救世主的对话詹姆士福音书以犹书彼得给菲利浦的信,以及比斯提苏菲亚书信心与智慧。