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发布时间:2021-01-19 作者: 英语查
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中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.约瑟夫〔男子名〕。 2.约瑟〔《圣经》中人物,一指雅各 (Jacob) 的第十一个儿子;一指马利亚 (Mary) 之夫〕。 3.正派男子,讨厌女人的男子。 4. 〔j-〕 十八世纪妇女骑马时穿的大氅。 Joseph's coat 【植物;植物学】苋菜 (Amaranthus tricolor)。
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例句与用法 | 1. | Joseph feels cranky early in the morning . 约瑟夫每天清晨觉得爱发脾气。
| | 2. | I begged joseph to run for the doctor . 我请求约瑟夫快去请大夫。
| | 3. | Joseph will take care of the house . 约瑟夫将照料这所房子。
| | 4. | "that's right," said joseph . “不错,”约瑟夫说。
| | 5. | Joseph adjusted a chair at the head of the table . 约瑟夫又在桌子的一端放上一只椅子。
| | 6. | We'll find another horse just as good as joseph . 我们另外会找一匹与约瑟夫一样好的马。
| | 7. | Joseph at the words burst out into a wild fit of laughter . 乔瑟夫听了这话,哈哈大笑。
| | 8. | "oh, but joseph will tell," she suggested . “啊,可是约瑟夫会告状的,”她绕着弯儿说。
| | 9. | Joseph is a player who can spark his team to victory . 约瑟是个能激励他的队员取胜的运动员。
| | 10. | That infatuated joseph seemed to be entirely her slave . 那着了迷的乔斯似乎成了她彻头彻尾的奴隶。
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