中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.(字母的)一点,一划。 2.〔通例用否定结构〕一点儿,少量。 短语和例子 not care a jot about ... 对…毫不在乎。 not one jot or little 一丝一毫也不〔有时亦作 not a jot〕。 vt. (-tt-) 匆匆记下 (down)。 jot down ones license number 匆匆记下某人的执照号。
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| a brief (and hurriedly handwritten) note 同义词:jotting,
| | a slight but appreciable amount; "this dish could use a touch of garlic" 同义词:touch, hint, tinge, mite, pinch, speck, soupcon,
| write briefly or hurriedly; write a short note of 同义词:jot down,
例句与用法 | 1. | I do n't care one jot or one tittle of what he says . 他所说的我一点也不在乎。
| | 2. | We have the ciano diaries, jotted down each day . 我们已经见到齐亚诺每天写下的日记。
| | 3. | He jotted the address down for fear that he might forget it . 他把地址写下,以免忘记。
| | 4. | He jotted on the back of the salesman's pad . 他顺手拿起售货员的本子,在背面草草写下一句话。
| | 5. | Barbicane, after a few moment, jotted down the result of his observations . 过了一会儿功夫,巴比康很快地报出了他测定的数字。
| | 6. | Many were mere ideas for poems jotted down on whatever scrap of paper lay to hand . 其中有许多只是一些诗的意念,信手写在纸上的。
| | 7. | Once you jot down the numbers of the books you are interested in, you are ready to find them on the shelves . 一旦你记下你感兴趣的书码时,你就可以到书架上查到它们了。
| | 8. | Hynes jotting down something in his notebook 海因斯在笔记本上匆匆地记着什么。
| | 9. | The world situation matters not a jot or tittle to you 你一点也不关心世界局势。
| | 10. | I could jot down on a yearly birthday card 我不能写在每年的生日卡上告诉你