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发布时间:2021-01-26 作者: 英语查
journalize 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | vt. 把…记入日记[日记账、日志]。 vi. 1.记日记。 2.记日记账。 3.从事报刊工作[事业]。
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例句与用法 | 1. | Third , make adjusting entries , journalize and post them in ledger accounts 第3 ,做调整分录,记入日记帐并过入分类帐。
| | 2. | Journalize transactions the second step in the accounting cycle is to record the results of transactions in a journal 作为原始凭证,日志提供所有实体交易的流水帐。
| | 3. | First , journalize accounting entries for all transactions occurred and post the entries in ledger accounts 首先,将全部会计事项用会计分录记入日记帐,将日记帐内会计分录过入分类帐帐户。
| | 4. | Fifth , make closing entries , journalize and post them ; close all revenue and expense accounts ; calculate net income anc transfer it to retained earnings account 第五,作结帐分录,过帐以后结清全部收入和费用帐户,结算本期净收益进而结转留存收益帐户。
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