| 1. | He handled the child much better than jenny did . 他照料孩子要比詹妮好得多。
| 2. | Jenny gave him an angry look . 詹姆恶狠狠地瞪了他一眼。
| 3. | Jenny looked very pretty and was in high spirits . 詹妮看上去很漂亮,而且兴致很高。
| 4. | Please remember me to jenny . 请代我问候珍妮。
| 5. | He had shelved thoughts of jenny lamarsh for the time being . 他暂时把詹妮拉马什置之脑后了。
| 6. | Jenny was so smart that i was afraid she would laugh at me . 詹妮玲珑剔透,我真担心自己会被她笑话。
| 7. | Jenny was in heaven . 詹妮高兴极了。
| 8. | Though many difficulties lay in the way, jenny came through . 虽然困难重重,横阻于前,珍尼还是成功了。
| 9. | Jenny put down her newspaper and looked at him with new interest . 詹妮放下报纸,重又兴致勃勃地望着他。
| 10. | Jenny could redeem the stolen money from the thief after he was arrested . 在小俞被逮捕后,珍妮可取回被偷的钱。