| 1. | Judith has a right to ask us to be present . 朱迪思有权让我们留下来。
| 2. | Judith spoke with decision and authority . 朱迪思口气坚决强硬。
| 3. | Judith is a sprightly young woman . 朱迪思是个机灵的姑娘。
| 4. | These are brave words, judith . 你的话很有气魄,朱迪思。
| 5. | In this dialogue judith held a material part . 朱迪思在讨论中起了举足轻重的作用。
| 6. | Their confidence lasted until judith appeared . 直到朱迪思来,他们的知心话才告一段落。
| 7. | Hurry thought more of the beauties of judith hutter . 赫里念念不忘朱迪思哈特的花容月貌。
| 8. | Judith had not much reserve in the manifestations of her preferences . 朱迪思毫不掩饰她的感情。
| 9. | Judith now entered into a desultory discourse with deerslayer . 尤蒂丝开始和打鹿将东拉西扯地闲聊起来。
| 10. | It was at this critical instant that he spoke to judith in a low voice . 他趁这个混乱的当儿轻轻对朱蒂丝说了两句话。