| 1. | Julia was dressed as a fat country man . 朱丽雅化装成一位胖乡绅。
| 2. | He heard julia snap her teeth together . 他听见裘莉亚咬紧牙关。
| 3. | Julia says she has never seen him so amiable . 朱丽雅说从未见他那么好说话。
| 4. | Julia scowled at her jeweled tortoise . 这时朱莉娅怒视着那只嵌着钻石的乌龟。
| 5. | She told julia that paul had "ditched" her . 她告诉朱丽娅,保罗把她“甩”了。
| 6. | Julia comes from one of the first families in new york . 朱丽雅出身纽约名门。
| 7. | Oh! yes, i like julia best . 噢,不错,我尤其喜欢朱丽叶。
| 8. | Julia said she'd had a good time . 朱丽雅说她过得很愉快。
| 9. | Julia and i come in for a great deal of reflected glory . 朱丽雅和我沾了不少光。
| 10. | Julia loved proteus as well as he did her . 朱利娅和普洛丢斯心心相印,一往情深。