中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. (-ier; -iest) 1.跳跃的,急剧变化的。 2.心惊肉跳的,神经质的。 adv. -ily ,-iness n.
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| causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements; "a rough ride" 同义词:rough, rocky, bumpy, jolty, jolting,
| being in a tense state 同义词:edgy, high-strung, highly strung, jittery, nervy, overstrung, restive, uptight,
例句与用法 | 1. | It was beginning to make him very jumpy . 这使他开始感到心神不安。
| | 2. | The people on the screen are really moving in a normal way, and not in a jumpy fashion . 屏幕上的人物真的以正常的方式活动,而不是跳跃式的。
| | 3. | Trying to go to sleep is a painful and hopeless business when you are kind of jumpy . 心里有事硬要去睡似乎也是一种活受罪的事,而且也睡不着。
| | 4. | He seemed to be in no danger whatever, and that made him jumpy because he imagined invisible threats . 无论什么样的情况,他似乎都没有碰到危险,但想到无形的威胁就使他心惊肉跳。
| | 5. | He seemed to be in no danger whatsoever, and that made him jumpy because he imagined invisible threats . 无论什么样的情况,他似乎都没有碰到过危险,但想到无形的威胁就使他心惊肉跳。
| | 6. | If you ask me , your boyfriend is kind of jumpy 要我说,你的男友有点儿神经兮兮的
| | 7. | Really kind of - well , you think i ' m jumpy now 就是那种-你觉得我现在在哆嗦吗
| | 8. | Put it away , charlie . don ' t be so jumpy , kid 放下枪,查理,别这么神经质,小弟
| | 9. | That ' s all right , forget it . i guess i ' m a little jumpy 你别往心里去.我太紧张了
| | 10. | Bill was very jumpy as he waited for the phone to ring 贝尔忐忑不安地等着电话来。