| 1. | Juniper : network security research report released 发布网络安全研究报告
| 2. | The juniper is a type of evergreen bush with purple berries 杜松子是一种生有紫红色浆果的常绿灌木。
| 3. | Juniper : set foot in online game 涉足在线游戏安全
| 4. | Hot spirit of juniper juice warmed his vitals and his breath 含杜松液的烈酒使他的内脏和呼出来的气都暖烘烘的。
| 5. | " flee , save your lives , that you may be like a juniper in the wilderness 耶48 : 6你们要奔逃、自救性命、独自居住好像旷野的杜松。
| 6. | Who cut up mallows by the bushes , and juniper roots for their meat 4在草丛之中采咸草,罗腾(罗腾小树名松类)的根为他们的食物。
| 7. | Who cut up mallows by the bushes , and juniper roots for their meat 4在草丛之中采咸草,罗腾(罗腾小树名松类)的根为他们的食物。
| 8. | Juniper berry oil 杜松子油
| 9. | Sue found behrman smelling strongly of juniper berries in his dimly lighted den below 苏在楼下他那间光线黯淡的斗室里找到了嘴里酒气扑鼻的贝尔门。
| 10. | Sue found behrman smelling strongly of juniper berries in his dimly - lighted den below 在下面那间灯光昏暗的房子里,苏娥找到松子气味很重的贝尔曼。