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发布时间:2021-02-02 作者: 英语查
junta 是什么意思 |
音标:[ 'dʒʌntə ] |
中文翻译与英英解释 | n. (pl. juntas) 〔西班牙语〕 1.执政团〔指革命或政变后控制政府的政治集团;秘密团体〕。 2.(西班牙、拉丁美洲、意大利等国的)立法[行政等]机构。 3.秘密政治集团,小集团;派系。 短语和例子 a military junta 发动政变后上台的军政府。
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| a group of military officers who rule a country after seizing power 同义词:military junta,
例句与用法 | 1. | The chilean junta was triggered into action by incipient chaos and the pleas of the democratic parties . 智利军人集团是由于局势开始混乱,在各民主党派的请求下,才决心采取行动的。
| | 2. | But the junta is not their only enemy 但是军政府不是他们的唯一敌人。
| | 3. | So it too might possibly seek to stay the junta ' s hand 所以它有可能选择让这个军统集团住手。
| | 4. | On the view of warfare of the zhanguoce junta 论战国策派的战争观
| | 5. | The military junta commander told us everything that you ' ve done 集团指挥官告诉我们你做的所有事。
| | 6. | The action of the ruling junta have been criticized in the press 掌权的政协委员务会的行为已在报上受到批评。
| | 7. | Ifthere are any cracks in the junta ' s unity , nobody outside knows about them 外界无从知道军政府是否会因此出现分裂。
| | 8. | The middle classes are favourably disposed to wards the new military junta 中产阶级对这次新的军事政变后上台的军政府表示支持。
| | 9. | The newspapers that opposed the junta were effectively muzzled by strict censorship laws 严厉的审查法律有效地使反对军人干政的报纸封口。
| | 10. | The junta seemed confident it had beaten the life out of the protests , for now at least 缅甸军政府似乎相信它已平息了抗议活动,至少目前如此。
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