| 1. | These cells had retained a diploid karyotype . 这些细胞持有二倍体核型。
| 2. | The cases of karyotypic evolution mentioned so far have concerned karyotypes of related species . 到现在为止所提到的染色体组型进化的例子都是关于相近物种的染色体组型。
| 3. | The origin of such large amounts of constitutive heterochromatin and their role in karyotype evolution and speciation remain a mystery . 如此大量的结构异染色质的来源及其在染色体组型进化和物种形成中的任务仍是一个谜。
| 4. | The analysis of abnormal chromosome karyotype on 16 cases 16例染色体异常核型分析
| 5. | The chromosome number and karyotype of vicia amoena 山野豌豆的染色体数目及核型分析
| 6. | The karyotype analysis of michelia magnoliaceae in china 中国含笑属核型分析
| 7. | The chromosome karyotype analysis on agropyron crestatum 冰草染色体组型分析
| 8. | The karyotype of hard clam mercenaria mercenaria linnaeus 硬壳蛤的核型研究
| 9. | Study on karyotype analysis of psathyrostachys perinnis 细胞分裂及组型分析
| 10. | New advance in karyotype studies of genus camellia 山茶属植物核型研究进展