| 1. | I fell a prey to the keenest anxiety . 我开始被最强烈的焦虑折磨着。
| 2. | He had a keen ear for voice of the people . 他善于倾听群众的呼声。
| 3. | She is keen to get ahead in her career . 她热望在事业上出人头地。
| 4. | The man has a keen and dignified manner . 这个人有一种敏锐而高贵的风度。
| 5. | You are really keen on playing chess . 你们下棋的瘾头可真不小。
| 6. | His despair was keen and continual . 他绝望心情非常强烈,而且是念念不忘。
| 7. | W.t. isn't keen on new ideas . 沃特对新的主意是不感兴趣的。
| 8. | She has the keenest sense of honor . 她对高贵有最敏感的感觉。
| 9. | His intuitions were keen at times . 他的感觉有时候非常敏锐。
| 10. | Mrs. hill is keen on tom 's marrying susan . 希尔太太很希望汤姆能和苏珊结婚。