| 1. | My problems already have faces , dr . kelley 我的问题已经有参考了凯莱医生
| 2. | Let me have the number for a dr . jennifer kelley , please 我想知道詹妮佛?凯莱医生的电话
| 3. | Howard kelley , a faithful member of this church , sent me an e - mail this week 我看见侯活坐在这儿,每星期日他都来这儿。
| 4. | Kelley says college students aren ' t invincible to the consequences of unhealthy diets 凯利说大学生们不可避免地要遭受不健康饮食的恶果。
| 5. | Kelley says college students are n ' t invincible to the consequences of unhealthy diets 凯利说大学生们不可避免地要遭受不健康饮食的恶果。
| 6. | Carol kelley , a nutritionist at emory university , gave us a lesson in college diets , 101 爱莫利大学的营养学家卡罗尔?凯利给我们上一堂大学饮食的初级课。
| 7. | Carol kelley , a nutritionist at emory university , gave us a lesson in college diets , 101 爱莫利大学的营养学家卡罗尔凯利给我们上一堂大学饮食的初级课。
| 8. | Commander kelley says he and his colleagues strongly suspect the ransom is being used to purchase arms 凯利指挥官表示,他和他的同事都强烈怀疑这笔赎金将被用来购置军火。
| 9. | Kish sklar , kathryn . florence kelley and the naton ' s work : the rise of women ' s political culture , 1830 - 1900 . 1995 《社会主义者弗罗伦斯?克利和国家的工作: 1830 - 1900妇女政治文化的兴起》 1995
| 10. | Harjit kelley is a retired commander with the kenyan navy who is a consultant for the united nations ' monitoring group on somalia 哈吉德凯利是肯尼亚海军的一名退伍指挥官,现任联合国监察小组在索马里的顾问。