| 1. | K is the symbol used for the kelvin units of temperature . K为开氏温度单位符号。
| 2. | K is the symbol used for the kelvin units of temperature K为开氏温度单位符号。
| 3. | I reckon it is , mr kelvin , ' said higgins 我也如此认为,凯尔文先生, ’黑格银斯说。
| 4. | Wensheng peng , lillian cheung , kelvin fan and cynthia leung 彭文生张丽玲范尚?及梁金燕
| 5. | Cite du louvre kelvin cheng nikki chow 新人至爱酒楼婚宴最佳食物大赏
| 6. | Wensheng peng , lillian cheung and kelvin fan 彭文生张丽玲及范尚
| 7. | Singer name : hong kong various artists kelvin kwan edmond leung 艺人名称:黄圣依窦智孔孙菲菲
| 8. | Jiming ha , kelvin fan , and cynthia leung 哈继铭范尚?及梁金燕
| 9. | Li - gang liu , kelvin fan and jimmy shek 刘利刚范尚?石明翰
| 10. | Contact kelvin king , meet director , for further details 联系绝对温标国王,遇见主任,为进一步的细节。