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发布时间:2021-02-02 作者: 英语查
keynes 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.凯恩斯〔姓氏〕。 2.John Maynard Keynes约翰梅纳德凯恩斯〔1883-1946,英国经济学家和作家〕。
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例句与用法 | 1. | Keynes demonstrated that equilibrium was likely in another situation also . 凯恩斯证明在其它条件下也可能达到均衡。
| | 2. | This view of the determinants of consumption was detailed in the general theory by keynes . 凯恩斯在《通论》中对于决定消费支出的因素的这个观点作了详细论述。
| | 3. | Indeed, keynes himself put forth his idea in a book called the general theory of employment, interest, and money . 事实上,凯恩斯是在其《就业、利息和货币通论》一书中提出他的观点的。
| | 4. | The economist j. m. keynes once remarked that those economists who disliked theory, or claimed to get along better without it, were simply in the grip of an older theory . 经济学家JM凯恩斯曾说:那些不喜欢理论的经济学家,或者声称没有理论会做得更好的经济学家,只不过是受到某种旧理论的支配而已。
| | 5. | The starting point of keynes ' macro - economic theory 论凯恩斯宏观经济学的理论起点
| | 6. | Narrator : keynes ' s ideas began to gain ground 讲述者:凯恩斯的思想开始普及。
| | 7. | The analysis of structural keynes multiplier model 结构式凯恩斯乘数模型研究
| | 8. | Comments on keynes and his theory of internal demand 论凯恩斯和他的内需理论
| | 9. | Reviewing on the keynes ' theory of psychological anticipation 凯恩斯心理预期理论评析
| | 10. | Revisiting keynes ' theory of effective demand 对凯恩斯有效需求理论的再思考
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