| 1. | Transmission losses will be less than 7 percent , significantly less than the losses from conventional 500 - kilovolt ( kv ) high - voltage direct current ( hvdc ) transmission schemes 电力的传输损失将少于7 % ,远远低于传统500千伏高压直流( hvdc )传输计划的损失量。
| 2. | At the severalty microseconds twinkling of an eye , well up to the dozens ofth kilovolt of at voltage at waves / rice , bear enormous load of whole systems , may damage the equipment in consequence 在几微秒的瞬间,浪涌电压高达几十千伏/米,整个系统将承受巨大的负载,后果可能损坏设备。
| 3. | At 400 kilovolts , a standard value for long - distance transmission , an alternating current 30 metres ( 100 feet ) from the ground has a fortieth of the loss of a similar cable at ground level 在远距离传输的标准电压400千伏下,电缆离地30米( 100英尺)时的电量损耗是同样电缆在地面时损耗的四十分之一。
| 4. | Abb will replace an existing outdoor 275 kilovolt ( kv ) substation now nearing the end of its service - life with an indoor substation based on compact , state - of - the - art , gas insulated switchgear ( gis ) Abb将用基于体积较小的顶级的气体绝缘接电开关装置( gis )的室内变电站替换现有的服务年限将到的室外275千伏特的变电站。
| 5. | The 500 - kilovolt electricity transmission line , extending from fangzheng , mudanjiang , dunhua to baojia , as part of the project of “ electricity transmission from north to south ” of the province , has been completed and will be put into operation in succession 近日,黑龙江“北电南送” 500千伏方正牡丹江敦化包家输变电工程的线路架设全部竣工,并即将陆续投入运营。
| 6. | The ultrahigh - voltage direct current ( uhvdc ) link comprises two substations and a power transmission system using breakthrough technology to transmit electricity at ultrahigh voltage ( 800 kilovolts ) , which will minimize the amount of power lost in transmission 该超高压直流输电( uhvdc )线包括两个变电站以及一个采用了突破性超高压( 800千伏)电力传输技术的电力传输系统,这将减少传输过程中的电力损失。
| 7. | Hvdc is an abb innovation that transports large power loads over long distances with low losses and minimal environmental impact , requiring just two 500 kilovolt ( kv ) dc power lines to carry the same power load as five alternating current ( ac ) lines Hvdc技术是abb的一项创新,在长距离的传输中,它传送大量的电量,而损失很低,而且对环境的影响也达到最小化,只需要两条500千伏的直流电线就可以运载相当于五条交流电线输送的电量。
| 8. | Intelligent electricity quantity concentration display instrument is a kind of intelligent instrument used to measure combined parameter of ac electricity quantity , which can simultaneously measure each phase electricity parameter in the tri - phase ac loop such as voltage , current , active power , reactive power , apparent power , power factor , frequency , active kilowatt hour , reactive kilovolt ampere - hour and so on 智能电量集中显示仪是一种用于交流电量综合参数测量的智能仪表,它可以同时测量三相交流回路的每一相电压电流有功功率无功功率视在功率功率因数频率有功电度无功电度等参数。