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发布时间:2021-02-02 作者: 英语查
kinetoscope 是什么意思 |
例句与用法 | 1. | It was to him , with his splendid power of vision , like gazing into a kinetoscope 那话是对自己说的,他现在具有卓越的视力,有如通过电影放映机在观看。
| | 2. | Authentic , coin - operated sports - related games , kinetoscopes , tests of strength , pinball machines , and other games can all be enjoyed here 这些在20世纪初曾经风靡美国一时的游戏,在当时玩一次仅须投一便士
| | 3. | The kinetoscope , which could only be viewed by one person at a time , was soon replaced by screen projectors , which showed the movie to a whole room of people at once 电影放映机一开始一次只能有一个观众,不过后来很快就被投影机所替换,这部机器可以让一屋子的人一起欣赏电影。
| | 4. | The kinetoscope , which could only be viewed by one person at a time , was soon replaced by screen projectors , which showed the movie to a whole room of people at once 电影放映机一开始一次只能有一个观众,不过后来很快就被投影机所取代,这部机器可以让一屋子的人一起欣赏电影。
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