| 1. | And a cheap plastic apron and some knickers 和一块便宜的塑胶工作裙以及一条灯笼裤
| 2. | And a cheap plastic apron and some knickers 和一块便宜的塑胶工作裙以及一条灯笼裤
| 3. | L was pulling it down . your knickers were showing 我就是把裙子拉下来你衬裤都露出来了
| 4. | L was pulling it down . your knickers were showing 我就是把裙子拉下来你衬裤都露出来了
| 5. | Was l ? - yeah . " wear my wet knickers 是么? -当然了“穿上我湿湿的短衫裤
| 6. | Hey ! don ' t get your knickers in a twist 别把事情都自己揽上身
| 7. | He likes to sniff the ladies ' knickers 他喜欢闻女人的内裤
| 8. | And my knickers are not in a twist 我可没有独断独行喔
| 9. | Full breeches gathered and banded just below the knee ; knickers 灯笼裤一种在膝盖下部收拢扎紧的宽松的裤子;灯笼裤
| 10. | Great . i ' m late with mad hair and can barely breathe in scary knickers 顶着蓬乱的头发、裹着透不过气的束腹裤我迟到了