| 1. | Their allies in the kurdish alliance won 53 seats 他们的盟友库尔德联盟赢得53席。
| 2. | A substantial portion is in the kurdish region 相当一部份石油资源位于库尔德地区。
| 3. | Why not split the country into shia , sunni and kurdish statelets 不一定现在就执行,但为何不订一个时间表?
| 4. | Kurdish problems in 21 century 21世纪的库尔德问题
| 5. | In the remote mountain ranges of iraq , there lie sprawling kurdish refugee camps 他们的小孩都是这样长大的. .
| 6. | Kurdish question is one of the most prominent ethnic problems in the middle east 库尔德问题是中东地区最为突出的民族问题之一。
| 7. | The kurdish enclave in the north is the most successful part of post - saddam iraq 被包围在北部的库尔德成为后萨达姆时代伊拉克最成功的一部分。
| 8. | Saddam hussein proposed the most complete self - government plan ever offered to the kurdish people in northern iraq 萨达姆?侯赛因提议给伊拉克北部的库尔德人完全的自治权。
| 9. | Iraq ' s government is calling for an end to public bickering between sunni , shiite and kurdish politicians 伊拉克政府号召结束孙尼派、什叶派以及库尔德政客之间的公开争吵。
| 10. | Iraq ' s government is calling for an end to public bicker ing between sunni , shiite and kurdish politicians 伊拉克政府正号召结束在逊尼派,什业派和库尔德政客们之间的争论。