中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. (late 的比较级)更[较]迟的;更后的。 adv. 在后、过后。 I will see you later . = See you later . 再见。 no later than 不迟于。 later on 过后,以后。 sooner or later 早晚,迟早(总有一天)。
| |
| at or toward an end or late period or stage of development; "the late phase of feudalism"; "a later symptom of the disease"; "later medical science could have saved the child" 同义词:late,
| coming at a subsequent time or stage; "without ulterior argument"; "the mood posterior to" 同义词:ulterior, posterior,
| happening at a time subsequent to a reference time; "he apologized subsequently"; "he''s going to the store but he''ll be back here later"; "it didn''t happen until afterward"; "two hours after that" 同义词:subsequently, afterwards, afterward, after, later on, subsequently, afterwards, afterward, after, later on,
| | at some eventual time in the future; "By and by he''ll understand"; "I''ll see you later" 同义词:by and by, by and by,
| | comparative of the adverb `late''; "he stayed later than you did"
| | happening at a time subsequent to a reference time; "he apologized subsequently"; "he''s going to the store but he''ll be back here later"; "it didn''t happen until afterward"; "two hours after that" 同义词:subsequently, afterwards, afterward, after, later on, subsequently, afterwards, afterward, after, later on,
| | at some eventual time in the future; "By and by he''ll understand"; "I''ll see you later" 同义词:by and by, by and by,
| | comparative of the adverb `late''; "he stayed later than you did"
例句与用法 | 1. | Her family had of late exceedingly fluctuated . 她家里最近连起风波。
| | 2. | It is a judgment on you for getting up late ... 这是你睡懒觉的报应。
| | 3. | Perhaps it was not too late to cure him . 也许现在挽救他还为时不晚。
| | 4. | I do not like you staying out so late . 我不喜欢你在外面呆到这么晚。
| | 5. | The late prime minister attended the ceremony . 前任首相出席了典礼。
| | 6. | It is very provoking of her to be so late . 她到得这么晚真叫人生气。
| | 7. | A few moments later andrey joined her . 没有多久安德烈也来到她跟前。
| | 8. | These claims were later departed from . 这些请求后来又被自动放弃了。
| | 9. | He was later discovered to have been a spy . 后来发现他原来是间谍。
| | 10. | A month later houtman was ransomed . 一个月以后,霍特曼被赎救出来。