| 1. | He tends to identify justice with legality . 他倾向于认为正义就是合法性。
| 2. | Political legality : angles at which to examine and pursue 审视的角度和探求的向度
| 3. | Validity and legality of traditional political power 菲律宾政权更迭的政治学分析
| 4. | It is of nationality , obligation and legality 它具有国家性、强制性和法定性。
| 5. | The legality of central reclamation phase iii criii 中区填海第三期工程的合法性
| 6. | Legalities that were encrusted with tradition 镶嵌宝石的玉杖约定俗成的义务。
| 7. | The concept of rights legality and historical changes 权力合法性的概念及历史演变
| 8. | I ' m not talking legality , i ' m talking ethics 我现在不说合法,我要说的是合理。
| 9. | On the legality of government guarantee in the bot form 方式中政府保证的法律性质
| 10. | Engagement as contract : its legality and legislation 关于婚约的法律性质及法律适用