| 1. | Applications of lem sensor in electrical parameters ' measures 传感器在电气参数测试中的应用
| 2. | The sihi liquid ring vacuum pumps lem are single - stage ones Sihi lem系列液环式真空泵是单级泵。
| 3. | Lem two axis leveling control for proportional valves 自动找平控制器lem700两轴比例输出自动找平控制器
| 4. | Determination the content of tracheloside in trachelospermum jasminoides lindl . lem . by rp - hplc 法测定络石藤中络石苷的含量
| 5. | It also trys to analyses negative affection in chinese employment prob - - lem caused by lms in china 最后,本文尝试分析了劳动力市场制度性分割对就业的影响。
| 6. | An analysis and an inquiry are made of the design prob - lems exposed in the operation of the texaco coal gasification units in china 分析探讨了国内德士古煤气化装置在运行中暴露出的设计问题。
| 7. | But another proh lem are put forward that is how to exp1ain the growth ( ) f c1osed - - end cis . four reasons are conc1uded 最后,分析了我国基金业信心问题的根本原因,并提出了完善我国基金治理的一些建议。
| 8. | In the chapter four , the designing of lems with uml is introduced in details . the realization of browser / server strategies will be seen in this chapter 在第四章中,介绍了实验室信息管理系统的研制过程,例如:系统软件的uml设计以及系统硬件构架,以确保系统功能的完善。
| 9. | This paper introduced a flight information ground processing system . the basic operation principle of the system and the prob - lems and solving case that encountered in the designing are expatiated 介绍了一种飞行信息地面处理系统。阐述了系统的基本工作原理以及在设计开发过程中遇到的难题和解决方案。
| 10. | And i believe that through our natural inventiveness , creativity and willingness to solve tough prob - lems , we ' re going to make some amazing achievements in all these areas in my lifetime 我相信,凭借人类与生俱来的发明创造力和不畏艰难、坚韧不拔的品格,在我的有生之年,我们将在所有这些领域创造出可喜的成就。