| 1. | Biotite is a subordinate constituent of the mafic and ultramafic rocks generally . 黑云母一般是镁铁质及超镁铁质岩石中的次要成分。
| 2. | Ore deposit types related to mafic - ultramafic rocks 超镁铁岩的地球化学及其地质意义
| 3. | Mafic - ultramafic rocks in permian period and minerogenitic potentialities 超镁铁岩及其成矿问题探讨
| 4. | Lithogeochemistry of the sulfide - bearing mafic - ultramafic rock at baimazhai , jinping , southern yunnan 超镁铁质岩石有关的矿床类型
| 5. | Geochemical and petrological characteristics of mafic and ultra - mafic intrusions in jinbaoshan , yunnan 超基性岩的地球化学特征及其含矿性
| 6. | The accumulation and evolution of metallogenic series of the mafic - ultramafic magmatic deposits in china 超镁铁岩浆矿床成矿系列的聚集与演化
| 7. | Metallogenic conditions and prospecting for copper - nickel type deposits in mafic - ultramafic rocks in inner mongolia 超镁铁岩体的年代测定及其意义
| 8. | Geochemical characters of mafic - ultramafic swarms in the baimazhai nickel and copper deposit , jinping , yunnan 超镁铁岩侵入体及铜镍硫化物矿床的成岩成矿机制
| 9. | Petrochemistry and ore potentiality of the mafic - ultramafic rocks in the yangliuping cu - ni - pgf mine , sichuan province 超镁铁质岩型铜镍矿床成矿条件与找矿远景分析
| 10. | The simulation of mesoproterozoic tectonic stress field forming mafic dyke swarms in the central north china craton 华北克拉通中元古代岩墙群形成的构造应力场数值模拟