| 1. | Maggie kennedy was a fine figure of a woman . 玛吉肯尼迪这个女人的风度极好。
| 2. | Maggie just didn't have time to take them under her wing . 麦琪没有时间照管他们。
| 3. | Maggie asked idly, flat on her stomach on the carpet reading a book . 麦琪懒散地问,她正伏卧在地毯上看书。
| 4. | Maggie and philip had been meeting secretly in the glades near the mill . 玛吉和菲利曾经常在磨坊附近的林中空地幽会。
| 5. | Maggie scrambled up on top of the wooden box her father put on the chair nearest to him . 麦琪爬到木箱顶上,那是她父亲安放的离他最近的座位。
| 6. | Aunt maggie was not even allowed to see his body nor was she able to claim any of his asset . 就连麦吉姨妈都不准许去看看他的尸体,也不能认领他的任何财产。
| 7. | He believed maggie was apt to follow the inclination of the moment without giving consideration to the outcome . 他认为玛吉容易一时冲动,随心所欲而不顾后果。
| 8. | When old rob's car came sputtering along the road maggie was at her station on the cottage veranda . 当老罗布的汽车嗄扎嗄扎地开过来时,麦琪正站在她的别墅的走廊上。
| 9. | Lacking the iron will which marked so many of her relatives, maggie loved easily and without restraint . 玛吉由于缺乏她的许多亲戚都具有的钢铁般的意志,很容易爱上一个人而控制不住感情。
| 10. | Maggie was curled into a little heap, with her thumb in her mouth and her rag-decorated hair all around her . 麦琪弯得象只小虾,大拇指含在嘴巴里,满头披散着她那用破布条装饰起来的头发。