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发布时间:2021-02-24 作者: 英语查
marauder 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | someone who attacks in search of booty 同义词:predator, vulture, piranha,
MARAUDER is, or was, a United States Government research project. It is an acronym of Magnetically Accelerated Ring to Achieve Ultra-high Directed Energy and Radiation. |
例句与用法 | 1. | The forecastle was like an angry hive of bees aroused by some marauder . 前舱里活象是被某种侵入者所激怒的一群狂暴的蜜蜂。
| | 2. | Somehow , harry got his marauder ' s map back 莫名其妙地,哈利又拿回了活点地图。
| | 3. | We cannot allow these marauders to outrage us again 我们不能容忍这些掠夺者再次侮辱我们
| | 4. | We cannot allow these marauders to outrage us again 我们不能容忍这些掠夺者再次侮辱我们
| | 5. | Those weasels ! never told me about any marauder ' s map 这些黄鼠狼,别告诉我掠夺者地图的事
| | 6. | Another marauder comes to steal from me 掠夺者你又想来偷什么东西?
| | 7. | Harry uses the marauders map - which was confiscated in the last book 哈利在查看活点地图? ?而那地图在上一部书里已被没收了。
| | 8. | Harry : [ pointing wand to marauder ' s map ] i solemnly swear that i am up to no good 哈利: [指着活点地图]我庄严宣誓我没干好事。
| | 9. | Terrifying sounds fill his ears ; when all seems well , marauders attack him 21惊吓的声音常在他耳中在平安时抢夺的必临到他那里。
| | 10. | The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated , and measures taken to prevent their depredation 应该预料到这些抢劫者的侵袭,并制定防范他们抢劫的措施。
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