| 1. | I have heard that he has been married before .. 我听说他过去结过婚。
| 2. | I 'd rather he was married to somebody else . 我宁愿他同别的人结婚。
| 3. | He sowed all his wild oats before he married . 他荒唐够了才结婚的。
| 4. | He refused to make love before they were married . 他拒绝在婚前做爱。
| 5. | He married into the french aristocracy . 他因婚姻关系跻身于法国贵族。
| 6. | Married in haste, we may repent at leisure . 草率结婚定会将来悔恨。
| 7. | It is better to marry than to burn . 与其欲火攻心,倒不如结婚为妙。
| 8. | It would be very dull to be married to denis . 和丹尼斯结婚太乏味了。
| 9. | He 's not married yet , he 's only twenty . 他才20岁,还没有成家。
| 10. | He was married twice, and raised a family . 他结过两次婚,养活一家人。