中文翻译与英英解释 | of or relating to or caused by meteorites 同义词:meteoritical,
例句与用法 | 1. | Research progress in mineralogy of meteorite groups and meteoritic mineral list 陨石矿物种类的研究进展和矿物表
| | 2. | A mixture of meteoritic water and cometary water would not work either because this combination would still contain a higher concentration of deuterium than is found in the oceans 陨星水和彗星水的混合也不可能提供地球上的全部水源,因为这种混合水与现在的海水相比,仍然有着较高的氖含量。
| | 3. | Such experiments , which would put the biological materials within simulated meteoritic materials and expose them to the environment of interplanetary space , could be conducted on the surface of the moon 这类实验要将生物体置入仿造的陨石物质内,并且暴露于行星际空间的环境,月球表面可充当试验场。