| 1. | Design of meterage supply system for sensitization accelerant 发泡促进剂计量供料系统的设计
| 2. | The frame of this thesis contains two parts : meterage and optimization 文章主体分为量化和优化两个部分。
| 3. | A superficial comment on the meterage model of accounting and its realistic choice 浅论会计计量模式及其现实选择
| 4. | Some measures about meterage management in produce of anchor solidifying agent resin 树脂锚固剂生产中抓好计量管理的几点做法
| 5. | In addition , the sixth chapter discusses simply two kinds of design projects of wireless intelligent supervision and meterage system 此外,第六章简单探讨了无线智能监测系统的两种设计方案。
| 6. | According to the analytic frame of macroeconomics , the fiscal resources must be firstly and clearly calculated , which is called meterage analysis 按照宏观经济学的分析框架,首先应将本国财政金融资源先核算清楚,即量化分析。
| 7. | Irrigation district water - measuring is the important method and guarantee of practising using water planly , assignment accurately , using irrigation water equably and meterage 灌区量水,是实行计划用水、正确分配、合理使用灌溉水的重要手段,是实行计量收费的重要保证。
| 8. | As to the mobilization process , research on meterage and optimization of the capacity of chinese financial mobilization , is a research on basic theory which pertains to the mobilization seedtime 就动员过程而言,财政金融动员能力的量化与优化研究属于动员准备阶段,是一项基础理论研究。
| 9. | The system , which is oriented to the application to the stations of natural gas , is designed to meet data acquisition , meterage , management and remote monitoring in the supervising center 该系统定位于矿区与输配气站的应用,实现对各输配气站的数据采集、计量、管理及在管理中心的远程监测。
| 10. | This master thesis aims at developing a natural gas meterage , management and remote monitoring system with distributed hierarchy , which is based on the rs - 485 bus and the modbus plus network in pc in the field 本硕士论文致力于研制一套分布式总体结构的基于rs - 485总线和微机上实现的modbusplus网络的天然气计量管理与远程监测系统。