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发布时间:2021-03-10 作者: 英语查
minster 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | any of certain cathedrals and large churches; originally connected to a monastery
例句与用法 | 1. | Perhaps if he prayed, the wish to see christ minster might be forwarded . 也许他祷告一番,就可以帮助他实现他想看见基督寺的愿望。
| | 2. | Mr . minster , please have a look what i have 部长先生请看一下我写的东西
| | 3. | The prime minster keeps him on as a consultant 首相继续留用他当顾问。
| | 4. | Have you been to the york minster 你去过约克大教堂吗?
| | 5. | Minster abe gave his first policy speech in parliaments friday 上周五,安倍在国会发表了任职后第一份政治演讲。
| | 6. | Mr . minster li 李春敏先生
| | 7. | British deputy prime minster john prescott sent a congratulatory letter to the company 英国副首相约翰普雷斯科特向该公司致函表示祝贺。
| | 8. | The event was held at no 10 and was witnessed by the prime minster and deputy prime minister 签字仪式在唐宁街10号进行,首相与副首相也到场参加。
| | 9. | Recent years have seen increasing uk - china co - operation . the visit of prime minster blair to china 比如说,如果想在中国经商,就必须了解中国的语言和文化。
| | 10. | However , british prime minster tony blair says the video of the sailor ' s apology is not fooling anyone 然而,英国首相布莱尔表示录象中士兵的道歉并没有欺骗大家。
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