| 1. | Again if it were not for , may be his misnomer , ah 再要不是,就可能是他用词不当,呵呵。
| 2. | As this group knows , the term mfn is really a misnomer 但真相其实更为复杂,也值得我们注意。
| 3. | " lightning " is a misnomer for that slow , old horse 闪电对那匹慢吞吞的老马而言是名不符实。
| 4. | He is no misnomer 他果然名不虚传。
| 5. | Note : roadside orange misnomer do not touch , measuring 1 to 2 seconds deduction results 注意:路边的橙色隔离栏不要碰,碰倒一个要扣2秒钟成绩。
| 6. | ` first - class hotel ' was a complete misnomer for the tumbledown farmhouse we stayed in 把我们住的那个摇摇欲坠的村舍称作一流旅馆,纯粹是乱用词语
| 7. | Decoupling was always a misnomer if it implied that an american recession would have no impact in the east 如果脱钩是讲美国经济衰退不会对东方产生影响的话,那么这是误导。
| 8. | Decoupling was always a misnomer , seeming to imply that an american recession would have no impact on asia “脱钩”总是容易误导人的,似乎暗示着美国的衰退并不会影响亚洲。
| 9. | It ' s a common misnomer to call the language " assembler " , so start out on the right foot by calling the language by its proper name 把这门语言叫做“汇编程序”这种用词不当相当普遍,因此,请从这门语言的正确称呼作为起点出发。
| 10. | The term set - top box will become something of a misnomer in the near future , as most displays will become too thin to allow a box to placed on . . . . 名词机顶盒将成为一种名不符实在不久的将来,由于大部分显示器将成为太薄允许放在箱子来: