| 1. | Mithra ; mithras rome ; iran 密斯拉罗马伊朗
| 2. | Sitting next to mithra ( father ) , dressed in red , color of sun , fire and blood of life 坐在密特拉(父亲)旁边,穿上红衣服,代表太阳的颜色,火和生命之血。
| 3. | The ancient romans held year - end celebrations to honor saturn ( the harvest god ) and mithras ( the god of light ) 古罗马人举行年终祭典来歌诵他们的农神与太阳神。
| 4. | It was based on worship of the god mithras and derives from the persian and indic god mithra and other zoroastrian deities 它主要是崇拜密特拉神,源自波斯和印度的神密特拉和其他琐罗亚斯德的神。
| 5. | Some commentators surmise that the mithraists worshipped mithras as the mediator between man and the supreme god of the upper and nether world 一些评论员猜测密特拉教崇拜的密特拉神是人与天和地之间的至高神之间的中保或仲栽者。
| 6. | In the absence of any mithraist scripture , all we know about mithras is what can be deduced from his images in the mithraea that have survived 没有密特拉教的手稿,一切有关密特拉教的都是根据幸存的太阳洞穴里面的肖像的推断而得知。
| 7. | Mithras is associated with perseus , whose constellation is above that of the bull . a serpent , a scorpion , a dog , and a raven are present , also thought to represent associated constellations 密特拉神与珀尔修斯联合,星座是在公牛之上,呈现出毒蛇,一只蝎子,一条狗和一只大乌鸦,都被认为是描绘星座。
| 8. | This is a god that would be almost as unfamiliar to edmund gosse ' s father , to john calvin or the pope as it would to a roman sacrificing a bull to mithras 这是个对艾德蒙?高斯的父亲和约翰?加尔文而言不熟悉的上帝,这是个对教皇而言也不熟悉的上帝,这是个对为蜜特拉神祭牛的罗马人而言几乎同样不熟悉的上帝。
| 9. | Other commentators , inspired by james frazer ' s theories , have additionally labeled mithras a mystery religion with a life - death - rebirth deity , comparable to isis , the resurrected jesus or the persephone / demeter cult of the eleusinian mysteries 其他评论,受启发于詹姆士的理论,加之又把密特拉教套上神秘宗教的标签,是生命?死亡?再生的神性,可与伊希斯,耶稣的复活或者古代希腊神秘的帕尔修斯/得墨忒耳的祭礼相比较。
| 10. | One of the central motifs of mithraism is the tauroctony , the myth of sacrifice by mithra of a sacred bull created by the supreme deity ahura mazda , which mithra stabs to death in the cave , having been instructed to do so by a crow , sent from ahura mazda 密特拉教的其中一个中心主题就是塔拉托尼,密特拉牺牲的秘密,是一只被至高神阿胡玛兹达创造的公牛,密特拉在洞穴里被中伤致死,被阿胡玛兹达派来的乌雅指引去这样做。