| 1. | Mk . 14 : 46 and they laid hands on him and seized him 可十四46他们便下手拿住他。
| 2. | Mk . 4 : 23 if anyone has ears to hear , let him hear 可四23有耳可听的,就应当听。
| 3. | Mk . 10 : 24 and the disciples were amazed at his words 可十24门徒就希奇他的话。
| 4. | Mk . 7 : 16 if anyone has ears to hear , let him hear 可七16凡有耳可听的,就应当听。
| 5. | Mk . 3 : 19 and judas iscariot , who also betrayed him 可三19和出卖耶稣的加略人犹大。
| 6. | Mk . 15 : 13 and again they cried out , crucify him 可十五13他们又喊著说,钉他十字架!
| 7. | Mk . 14 : 72 and immediately a rooster crowed a second time 可十四72立时鸡叫了第二遍。
| 8. | Mk . 6 : 42 and they all ate and were satisfied 可六42众人都吃,并且吃饱了。
| 9. | Mk . 15 : 37 and jesus let out a loud cry and expired 可十五37耶稣大声喊叫,气就断了。
| 10. | Mk . 9 : 40 for he who is not against us is for us 可九40不抵挡我们的,就是帮助我们的。