| 1. | Observation on germicidal property of monophyletic preparation of solid chlorine dioxide disinfectant 一种稳定性过氧乙酸消毒性能试验观察
| 2. | Four monophyletic groups have traditionally been united as myriapoda , namely chilopoda , pauropoda , diplopoda and symphyla . the relationships of myriapods are central to most questions in higher - level arthropod phylogeny 现生的多足动物主要由唇足纲、综合纲、少足纲和倍足纲四个单系群组成。
| 3. | The phylogenetic relationship of the mitten crab and other grapsoid crabs suggested that eriocheir is monophyletic , and the estimated divergence time of the mitten crabs with its marine varunid ancestor is about 8 . 9 ~ 10 . 9 mya 淡水蟹类的系统发生研究显示,华溪蟹属与仿溪蟹属起源于一个共同的海生蟹类祖先,二者之间的歧异时间在36 44mya 。
| 4. | ( 4 ) the molecular phylogenetic trees suggest that bagrid catfishes form a monophyletic group , and the genus mystus is the earliest divergent in east asian bagrid catfishes , as well as the genus pseudobagrus is a monophyletic group but the genus pelteobagrus and leiocassis are complicated ?科构成一单系类群,其中蠖属为较为特化的属,拟?属为一明显的类群,而黄颡鱼属和?属关系较为混乱。
| 5. | The results showed that a . hookeri was a monophyletic group which supported the existence of species of a . hookeri and all the populations of a . hookeri were divided into two groups which were identical with the habitus of withering in the winter and not withering in the winter and highly related to ploidy and habitat ( altitude ) 彻汁韭明显分为两大分支,这与宽叶韭的冬季倒茵和冬季不倒苗的两种生活习性亢全一致,与宽叶韭的倍性和生境(海拔)密切相关。
| 6. | The phylogenetic trees promulgate that : ( a ) est traits significantly differ between different generic taxa and between different species in the same genus , ( b ) similarity degree of est traits between different taxa is not correlative to that of morphological characters . some morphological taxa in traditional classification are not monophyletic group , ( c ) relationship among subfamilies based on est characters is somewhat compatible to intrafamily phylogeny proposed by schuh ( 1976 ) , but it is clear that orthotylinae and phylinae are not directly sister grouped 分析结果表明( 1 )酯酶同工酶酶谱特征在不同属级单元之间以及同属的不同种类之间都存在着明显的差异: ( 2 )不同属种之间酯酶同工酶特征的相似程度与外部形态特征之间的相似程度不一致性,以外部形态为主要依据的传统分类的一些属不是真正的单系群。
| 7. | Cytochrome b gene compared with characiforms , cypriniforms and salmoniforms ; ( 2 ) the molecular phylogenetic trees suggest that siluriforms form a monophyletic group and have a close relationship with characiforms ; ( 3 ) the families of pangasiidae , claroteidae , ictaluridae , cranoglanididae , schilbidae and clariidae form a monophyletic group in the three molecular phylogenetic trees . the family bagridae branched with schilbidae which comes from china ; the family akysidae branched with amblycipitidae , but the phylogenetic positions of the families siluridae , sisoridae and pimelodidae are not recognised 鱼芒科、棘脂?科、叉尾?科、长臀?科、刀鲇科与胡子鲇科在三种方法构建的分子系统树中均结合在一起,形成一大单系群; ?科均与来自中国的刀鲇科鱼类聚在一起;粒鲇科与钝头跪科也均聚在一起;但鲇科、 ?科和油鲇科的系统发育位置不定。
| 8. | And supports to the establishment of a separate genus neoeriocheir , but does not provide justification for the recognition of platyeriocheir . the results provided more evidence of the conspecific status of three taxa : e . japonica , e . sinensis and e . hepuensis . the mitten crabs distributed in china and okinawa of japan constitute a monophyletic group sister to e . japonica from osaka of japan suggested that two subspecies of e . japonica : e . j 基于线粒体16srdna部分序列的系统发生分析支持日本绒螫蟹、中华绒螯蟹与合浦绒螯蟹合并为一个物种,即日本绒螯蟹( e . japonica ) ,分布于中国和日本冲绳的绒螯蟹与分布在日本大阪的绒螯蟹构成姊妹群,提示日本绒螯蟹可能包含2个亚种,即日本绒螯蟹指名亚种( e . j . japonica )和中华亚种( e . j . sinensis ) 。
| 9. | The chilopoda and diplopoda are monophyletic group respectively . although there are some limitations , the mitochondrial dna as a model system is being used as a powerful tool in phylogeny analysis . it is the only molecular marker that can be used in the phylogenetic studies at genomic level 线粒体dna基因组全序列作为研究动物系统发生的模式系统,虽然有一定的缺陷,但仍是生物学家研究系统进化最有力的工具,它是目前唯一可以提供基因组水平上进行系统发生研究的分子标记。
| 10. | 3 the comparison of mitochondrial genomes and phylogentic relationships of amphibian there still is a lack of consensus regarding living amphibian phylogenetic relationships . the most widely accepted hypothesis , based on morphological data , supports the monophyletic origin in the late paleozoic ( 300 mya ) of the three living orders in the class amphibia and a sister - group relationship between caudata and anura ( the batrachia hypothesis ) to the exclusion of the gymnophiona 3两栖类动物的线粒体基因组结构比较和系统发生关系现存两栖类的三个目的系统发生关系仍然没有统一意见,最广泛被接受的假说,是建立在形态学证据基础上,支持现生的两栖类三个目在古生代后期( 300mya )单系起源,并且无尾类和有尾类为姐妹群关系(蛙类假说) 。