| 1. | Active also in great moravia 奥赫里德的克莱门
| 2. | We could relocate them in something like safety , in moravia 我们可以把他们重新安置在一些安全的地方,比如马拉维亚,
| 3. | One of the leading italian novelists alberto moravia died on september 26 at the age of 82 1990年9月26日,意大利最主要小说家之一阿尔贝托?莫拉维亚逝世,享年82岁。
| 4. | Moravia was now a part of a new nation , czechoslovakia ( mucha offered to help the new country by designing its postage stamps and bank notes ) 摩拉维亚变成了新的国家捷克斯洛伐克的一部份(慕夏为它设计了邮票以及钞票) 。
| 5. | Kromeriz stands on the site of an earlier ford across the river morava , at the foot of the chriby mountain range which dominates the central part of moravia 克罗麦里兹坐落在横贯摩拉瓦河的一处浅滩上,位于占据了摩拉维亚中心位置的赫日比山山脚下。