中文翻译与英英解释 | protect from moths; "mothproof woollen clothes during the summer"
| resistant to damage by moths 同义词:moth-resistant,
例句与用法 | 1. | They ' re lighter , mothproof and cheap 它们重量轻,防虫蛀,价格便宜。
| | 2. | Level and dry up the base layer . the smoothness shall be 5mm 2m . coat the wood floors with mothproof paints or mothproof agents 1将基层面处理到平整干燥,平整度为5mm 2m 。
| | 3. | The floors made in our company have a great variety , high quality , complete specifications and they are also mildew - resisting , mothproof , wear - resisting 本公司生产的竹地板质量上乘,种类繁多,规格全,且有防霉变、防虫蛀、坚固耐磨、实用性强等优点。
| | 4. | Please you make a list of using all matter in process . as : adminicle , preservative , disinfector , rat proof and mothproof and so on , and write a brief recording materials in produce 4请列出在加工处理过程中使用的所有物质,如:加工辅料、防腐剂、消毒剂、防鼠防虫剂等,并将加工处理的记录材料作一简单的描述。