| 1. | Some of the nations declared neutrality . 有的国家宣布中立。
| 2. | Her father alone preserved an attitude of neutrality . 只有她父亲保持中立态度。
| 3. | His main theme was maintenance of american neutrality . 他的主要论点是维持美国中立。
| 4. | Enough electrons are present to maintain electrical neutrality . 存在着足够多的电子以维持电中性。
| 5. | Hope for peace ebbed and flowed all during the period of american neutrality . 在整个中立期间,和平的希望时起时伏。
| 6. | The president issued an official proclamation of neutrality on september 5, 1939 . 总统于1939年9月5日发布正式中立声明。
| 7. | Only hitler was prepared to violate the neutrality of belgium and holland . 只有希特勒才处心积虑地要破坏比利时和荷兰的中立。
| 8. | By early december the conference completed a draft declaration on the neutrality of laos . 十二月初,会议拟就了一份关于老挝中立宣言的草案。
| 9. | The approach to neutrality will be indicated by the appearance of fumes at the mouth of the bottle . 中和点的到达可以根据瓶口上出现的烟气来判明。
| 10. | In ionic solutions, the condition of electrical neutrality provides such an additional relation too . 在离子溶液中,电中性条件亦提供了这种附加关系式。