| 1. | That will be a total of eighty nt . 那总共八十台币。
| 2. | Raymond : they cost about one thousand nt , i got them made in mexico , you like the style ? 雷蒙:花了大约一千多元台币,我在墨西哥订做的,你喜欢这个风格吗?
| 3. | The robber took away her purse with two thousand five hundred nt , some keys and a handbook inside . 强盗夺去她的包,里面有两千五百元台币,一些钥匙和一本银行存折。
| 4. | No , but the robber took away her purse with two thousand five hundred nt , some keys and a handbook inside . 没有,但强盗夺去她的包,里面有两千五百元台币,一些钥匙和一本银行存折。
| 5. | 27 milestone , castle peak road , yuen long , nt 地址:新界元朗凹头青山公路27咪
| 6. | Analysis and optimization of windows nt network properties 网络性能的分析和优化
| 7. | Nt taxis are green in colour and have a white roof 新界的士车身绿色,车顶白色。
| 8. | Method of teaching retiary combined by netware and windows nt 并存教学网的方法
| 9. | From nt through tate s cairn tunnel south - westward 由新界经大老山隧道西南行
| 10. | Real - time simulation support system based on windows nt 的实时仿真支撑软件系统