| 1. | Coexistence necessitates the total noninterference by any power in the internal affairs of another ... 共处必需是任何国家都决不干涉别国的内部事务。
| 2. | Bangladesh can not condone the violation of the principles of non-intervention and noninterference in the internal affairs of states . 孟加拉国不能容忍对不插手和不干涉别国内政原则的破坏。
| 3. | Noninterference is a treasure among chinese traditional managerial wisdom 无为而治是中华管理智慧中的一块瑰宝。
| 4. | Spontaneous order and politics by governing with noninterference - the justification issues in domain of china ' s classic thought 中国古典思想中的政治正当性问题
| 5. | Or perhaps there is a galactic ethic of noninterference with backward or emerging civilizations 或者可能有一个银河系的伦理规范,不干涉落后的或者先进的文明社会。
| 6. | The security policy is abstractly redefined , and made a new interpretation in noninterference theory 给出了抽象安全策略的新定义,并用无干扰理论重新进行了解释。
| 7. | Noninterference : make sure more than one copy can run at a time on the same or different machines 互不干扰:保证在同一台或者不同的机器上同时运行多个应用程序的拷贝。
| 8. | In handling relations between countries , we should follow the principle of noninterference in each other ' s internal affairs 国家关系应该遵守一个原则,就是不要干涉别国的内政。
| 9. | Its main strategy is " doing nothing " , however , it is quite different from laozi ' s idea of " governing by noninterference ( by doing nothing ) " 其主要谋略就是“无为” ,但和老子的“无为而治天下”有着根本的区别。
| 10. | The key principle governing the new international order should be noninterference in other countries ' internal affairs and social systems 国际关系新秩序的最主要的原则,应该是不干涉别国的内政,不干涉别国的社会制度。