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发布时间:2021-04-14 作者: 英语查
northernmost 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | situated farthest north; "Alaska is our northernmost state" 同义词:northmost,
例句与用法 | 1. | Of our northernmost and most mosquito - infested state .来到这最北而且蚊子最多的一州
| | 2. | June 21 , when the sun is at its northernmost point 月日或月日,太阳在黄道上最北的一点时。
| | 3. | Where is the northernmost town in china ? what is its special features 我国领土的最北端在黑龙江省的哪个部位,有哪些特点?
| | 4. | The northernmost region of the habitable world as thought of by ancient geographers 极北地区古代的地理学家认为的可居住地带最北的地区
| | 5. | Helsinki , europe ' s northernmost capital , boasts over 30 art galleries and museums 赫尔辛基,欧洲最北的首都,有30多座美术馆及博物馆。
| | 6. | Study on co - effect of fertilizing rate , seeding rate and planting date of winter wheat northernmost planting 播种量和播期的组配效应研究
| | 7. | Red - crowned cranes sing a " unison " call on hokkaido , the northernmost of japan ' s main islands 丹顶鹤在日本最北的主岛北海道发出“齐鸣” 。
| | 8. | Also known as snow monkeys , japanese macaques are the world ' s northernmost non - human primates 日本猕猴又称为雪猴,是人类以外生活在地球最北方的灵长类动物。
| | 9. | The north district is situated at the northernmost part of hong kong and is separated from shenzhen by a river 北区位于香港的最北端,与深圳市仅一河之隔,是连系港深两地的重要通道。
| | 10. | Skagway - the frontier spirit is alive and well in the gold - rush town of skagway , the northernmost point of alaska s inside passage 汐卡sitka -星罗棋布的渔船,增添盛产鲑鱼水域的美景,曾是俄裔美国的首府。
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