| 1. | Once i nourished the entire human race . 过去,我曾经养育过整个人类。
| 2. | Ancient tanks nourish them . 古老的水池里的水灌溉着这些树木。
| 3. | Hansel is now given the most nourishing food . 汉塞尔现在有滋养丰富的食品吃。
| 4. | My environment had failed to support me or nourish me . 我的环境不能养我育我。
| 5. | The same symptoms may occur in well nourished individuals . 营养状况良好的人也可能有这些症状。
| 6. | He found himself nourishing the hope that miss bart might be unaccompanied . 他正热切期望巴特小姐能独自前来。
| 7. | To do that, the church must do as you do; nourish their faith by poetry . 所以,教会就得象你们那样--用诗来培养他们的信仰。
| 8. | He ate--but without relish, and food seemed no longer to nourish him . 他虽然吃东西,但是辨不出滋味,食物似乎失去了营养作用。
| 9. | The battle must be nourished and fought out until it is won . 对于这个战役,我们必须给予支持,并且要把它坚持下去,直到获得胜利为止。
| 10. | He called me an ungrateful wretch and nourished the grievance to the end of his days . 他说我是个忘恩负义的无耻小人,直到死的时候他还是心怀不满。