中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.(煤等的)小块;瘤子,疖子。 2.〔美口〕(故事的)要点;(事、问题的)核心。 短语和例子 That's the nub of it. 要点就在这里。
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| the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutor''s argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the story" 同义词:kernel, substance, core, center, centre, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, marrow, meat, pith, sum, nitty-gritty,
| | a small piece; "a nub of coal"; "a stub of a pencil" 同义词:stub,
| | a small lump or protuberance 同义词:nubble,
例句与用法 | 1. | She respected andrew's wisdom, his knack of going directly to the nub of any situation . 她遵重安德鲁的才智和他在任何情况下都能一语道破的本领。
| | 2. | You know , like this one : " the boywith a nub for an arm . 象这幅图画"被炸断手的男孩
| | 3. | Indeed , this is the nub of the nurturists ' argument 确实,这就是营养学家们的争端所在。
| | 4. | The nub of the problem is our poor export performance 问题的关键是我们出口贸易方面太差
| | 5. | The spokes of the wheel diverge from the nub 轮辐从轮毂向四周分出。
| | 6. | Coupling screws with collar nub and spacer for double - ties 双轨枕用带环形螺母和垫圈的耦接螺钉
| | 7. | I got it , right below the knee , the nub 哦,我撞到膝盖骨了
| | 8. | For some , the nub of it is that governments are less interested in money than in power 对一些人而言,最核心的问题是政府对权力的兴趣要大于财富。
| | 9. | Suddenly kanda drew one of his pink nubs into his mouth , while meddling with the other with a hand 突然,神田把他的一个粉红突起含入嘴里,同时用手逗弄另一个。
| | 10. | The nub of it is the difficult , often dysfunctional , relationship between baker , pastry chef and chef 关键是面包师、点心师和厨师之间难以处理、时而失调的关系。