中文翻译与英英解释 | vt. 除去,排除(障碍、危险等),(事前)防止,避免。 n. -ation ,-ator n.
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| prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening; "Let''s avoid a confrontation"; "head off a confrontation"; "avert a strike" 同义词:debar, forefend, forfend, deflect, avert, head off, stave off, fend off, avoid, ward off,
| | do away with 同义词:rid of, eliminate,
例句与用法 | 1. | We tried to obviate the necessity of begin again 我们尝试免除重新开始的麻烦。
| | 2. | Obviating the need for frequent type casts 构造它们,避免频繁类型转换的需要。
| | 3. | Some general malfunctions and some handy methods to obviate it for a flak 人影高炮常见故障及简便排除方法
| | 4. | This obviates the need for extra encoding information in the xml 这消除了在xml中需要额外的编码信息的需要。
| | 5. | Facelets obviates the need to write custom tags to use jsf components Facelets减少了编写定制标记才能使用jsf的需求。
| | 6. | On the effect of illegal proof and constituting the regulations for obviating illegal proof 论非法证据的效力及建立排除规则的构想
| | 7. | On the causes and ways of obviating the menta - handicap in the shooting teaching - centre 浅析射击教学中心理障碍产生的原因及解除方法
| | 8. | So we have been appointed to obviate that peril by finding a meeting of the minds and the hearts of our peoples 因而我们奉命来寻求我们各国人民观念和心愿的共同点。
| | 9. | This gives us a wonderful opportunity : rather than fixing mitochondrial mutations , we can obviate them 这给了我们绝好的机会:我们可以排除它们而无需修复线粒体突变。
| | 10. | This arrangement obviates the need for holders of mspic to apply for a travel document 这项措施让持有澳门智能卡式永久性居民身份证的人士无须申请旅行证件便可来港旅游。