| 1. | Arizona's annual harvest of cantaloups is outranked only by california's production . 亚利桑那州每年收成的罗马甜瓜产量仅次于加州。
| 2. | Ln the hall there will be a man who outranks you 在过道里会有一个官阶比你高的人站在那里
| 3. | Ln the hall there will be a man who outranks you 在过道里会有一个官阶比你高的人站在那里
| 4. | We outrank everyone else in the room . act like it 我们比屋里所有人等级都要高就当这是真的
| 5. | Wine may outrank citrus as sicily ' s most valuable product 葡萄酒的重要性可能超过柑橘而成为西西里最值钱的产品。
| 6. | Remember to be respectful to somebody who outranks you . this exercise in patience will be well rewarded 记得尊重在上位者。这种耐力练习将会有不错的回报。
| 7. | Which military officer both survives the initial cylon attack and also outranks william adama at that time 哪个军官在最初的赛昂攻击后幸存并且官阶高于当时的威廉?阿达玛?
| 8. | I knew the hurt of being victimized ? of being unjustly 12 ) outranked , of watching a trust killed in cold blood 我深知那种被人冤枉的感觉,那种被上层欺压的感觉,还有那种信任被无情地扼杀所造成的伤害。
| 9. | The trip is fraught with many technical challenges , many of which are outranked by the question of keeping the crew healthy and sane 旅行中充满了许多技术挑战,其中许多都不如如何让船员保持身心健康这个问题重要性更高。
| 10. | But the mere suggestion that a chinese firm outranks any in america will add to the impression that china has truly become a global giant 但是一家中国公司超过美国任何一家公司这个事实将会让人明白中国已经成为了世界性大国。