| 1. | He put in something about the-supernal oneness . 他说一点天上的一元论。
| 2. | In that response of recognition, there would be union, identity; there would be a supporting oneness . 而在那接触,在那心心相印的回答中,就存在团结,存在一致;这样就会有互相支持的同一性。
| 3. | Zhu xi ' s poetry and prose : oneness of literature and ideology 朱熹诗文的文道一本论
| 4. | Direct contact with god leads to ultimate oneness 直接与上帝沟通,以达到与上帝合一
| 5. | And pearl was the oneness of their being 而珠儿就是他俩生命的合而为一。
| 6. | Donating masks and fighting sars with oneness of mind 同心抗疫捐赠口罩
| 7. | What happens when you drop the oneness of the knowing 当你放下觉知的一体感,会发生什麽
| 8. | Direct contact with god leads to ultimate oneness back to contents 直接与上帝沟通,以达到与上帝合一
| 9. | A oneness marriage needs wisdom 一体婚姻需要智慧。
| 10. | These two poems help me to further comprehend limitless oneness 这两首诗令我对无限的一体有更进一步的体认。