| 1. | Miss ophelia was the absolute bondslave of the "ought" . 奥菲利亚小姐是个地地道道的“责任感”的奴隶。
| 2. | Miss ophelia was the absolute bond-slave of the ought . 奥菲丽亚小姐是个地地道道的有“责任感”的奴隶。
| 3. | Miss ophelia lifted out the shifting papers of sweet herbs . 奥菲丽亚小姐把那几个包香料的破纸包取了出来。
| 4. | Miss ophelia looked keenly at him, and saw the flush of mortification . 奥菲丽亚小姐用锐利的目光扫了一眼他脸上羞耻的红晕。
| 5. | Miss ophelia is gay, easy, unpunctual, unpractical, sceptical . 奥菲丽亚小姐是个快活的人,性情随和,潇洒不羁、不切实际、玩世不恭。
| 6. | Miss ophelia was uneasy that eva should fancy topsy's society so much . 奥菲丽亚小姐看见伊娃这样欢喜跟托普西在一起玩,心里有些惴惴不安。
| 7. | Miss ophelia looked despairingly, as her cousin took all her treasures from her . 当她堂弟把那几件宝贝从她手里拿走时,奥菲丽亚小姐显得很沮丧。
| 8. | He looked on with delight and wonder whilst ophelia busied herself about the room, and prepared for dinner . 他看着莪菲丽雅在屋里忙这忙那,准备晚餐,心里只觉得又惊又喜。
| 9. | Miss ophelia thought she had said enough, and therefore sat silent. st. clare whistled a tune . 奥菲利亚小姐心想自己话已经说得够多了,因此就缄默不语了。圣克莱亚则不由得吹起了口哨来。
| 10. | Miss ophelia had spent a quiet existence of some forty-five years, when her cousin invited her to visit his southern mansion . 当堂弟来邀请她到南方他家里去时,奥菲丽亚小姐已度过了四十五个清净的春秋。