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发布时间:2020-09-18 作者: 英语查

anent 是什么意思




1.For the sake of differentiation exhaust limits anent the different use diesel engine . test and calculation have been done

2.Judge of his astonishment when he finally did breast the tape and the awful truth dawned upon him anent his better half , wrecked in his affections

3.These timely reflections anent the brutes of the field occupied his mind , somewhat distracted from stephen s words , while the ship of the street was manoeuvring and stephen went on about the highly interesting old . .

4.Skin - the - goat , assuming he was he , evidently with an axe to grind , was airing his grievances in a forcible - feeble philippic anent the natural resources of ireland , or something of that sort , which he described in his lengthy dissertation as the richest country bar none on the face of god s earth , far and away superior to england , with coal in large quantities , six million pounds worth of pork exported every year , ten millions between butter and eggs , and all the riches drained out of it by england levying taxes on the poor people that paid through the nose always , and gobbling up the best meat in the market , and a lot more surplus steam in the same vein

5.Mr bloom and stephen entered the cabman s shelter , an unpretentious wooden structure , where , prior to then , he had rarely , if ever , been before ; the former having previously whispered to the latter a few hints anent the keeper of it , said to be the once famous skin - the - goat , fitzharris , the invincible , though he wouldn t vouch for the actual facts , which quite possibly there was not one vestige of truth in
布卢姆先生和斯蒂芬走进了马车夫棚,那是一座简陋的木结构房屋,以前他轻易下曾进去过。关于那里的老板-一那位一度以“剥山羊皮” 40闻名的,也就是说, “常胜军”菲茨哈里斯-他事先悄悄地对斯蒂芬讲了几句。当然,老板本人并不承认确有其事,而且很可能完全是无稽之谈。

6.Powder materials can be made into even granules customer needs without adding any bonding anent when they run througnh the machine . as density of granules are larger , no any afterward process is needed so as to reduce technological process , reduce granulation cost and powder pollution and improve labor environment as well

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